subterranean pool at the Long House
Our ethos is fundamentally concerned with a balance between simplicity, proportion, aesthetics, function and sustainability in architecture.
Keith has commented:
“In Architecture there is a part that is created through intuition and the senses, and part that it is made from analysis and reason. The union of the two creates a tension without which it is hard to see great architecture being made”
His designs are governed by concerns for the interplay of space, light, form, functionality and material coupled with careful consideration for scale history and context. This results in elegant and practical buildings that achieve a fine aesthetic balance between his contemporary, visionary designs and their contexts.
He considers the pursuit of excellence in architecture and design as an holistic universal and practical endeavour, a principle that allows his office to work comfortably at any scale from the design of an everyday object such as a bench or chair, through major buildings of varying complexities, sizes, types, and locations, to the masterplanning planning of city quarters.
Since its foundation, the firm has embedded sustainability at the heart of its work and continues to evolve its design ethos and its means of working in response to climate change.
For Williams, great design combines both intelligent strategy and precise detail to create the most dynamic and appropriate outcome in each specific case.